Welcome to the official Blog of The Confederation of All India Central Government Stenographers Association (CAICGSA)
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Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Dear Members,

                       I am happy to launch this blog for the benefit of the entire Stenographer Community  specially Stenographers working in Subordinate Central Government Offices spread over india.  Though VI CPC recommended our case for full parity till  we are yet to receive the legitimate claim irrespective of repeated representations, RTIs etc.  I feel that this is lack of our unity.  We must unite and fight for good cause.  The upgradation is needed right from grade-III level.  Grade pay of  Grade-III should be Rs.4200/- then only our MACP problems will be over. 

                      I request  fellow stenographers  to  form separate associations  of your own office and affiliate to confederation to be wings  of the confederation.  I have already opened branches of the confederation at Kerala, Kolkotta and Tamilnadu and trying to open branches in other states.  This attempt should be team work.  I request all of you to cooperate in opening branches of the confederation in your respective states.  I also request you to register your name so that we can have a list of  our members can contact each other.

                    If any Stenographer is facing problems in their offices or not getting their MACP or other issues can be discussed in our blog and a solution can be evolved.

                     Looking forward.


1 comment:

  1. KS Krishna Murthy, Treasurer, AIPSA23 December 2011 at 02:20

    This is a good chance for rejuvenating the demands of Stenographers. It is wrongly interpreted that Stenographers’ case is a merger case. In fact, it is a case of upgradation. The favourable recommendations of VI CPC in respect of the Stenographers have not been properly understood and implemented by the Government. It is a fact that VI CPC has merged the pay scales of employees in the pay scales of s.5000-150-8000, 5500-175-9000 and 6500-200-10500. This is applicable to all those who were in these scales. There is no doubt about it. Though Stenographers of Grade II/Grade I and ACP-I also fall in this category, at the same time the VI CPC has made specific recommendations for Stenographers vide para 3.1.14 as follows:

    “In accordance with the principle established in the earlier paragraphs, parity between Field and Secretariat is recommended. This will involve merger of few grades. In the Stenographers cadre, the posts of Stenographers Grade II and Grade I in the existing scales of Rs.4500-7000/Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 will, therefore, stand merged and be placed in the higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500. In the case of ministerial post in non-Secretariat Offices, the post of Head Clerks, Assistants, Office Superintendent and Administrative Officers Grade III in the respective pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 will stand merged. The existing and revised structure in Field Organization will, therefore, be as follows:-

    Designation Present pay scale Recommended pay scale Corresponding Pay Band & Grade Pay
    Pay Band Grade Pay
    LDC 3050-4590 3050-4590 PB-1 1900
    UDC 4000-6000 4000-6000 PB-1 2400
    Head Clerk/Assistants/Steno Grade II/equivalent 4500-7000/ 5000-8000 6500-10500 PB-2 4200
    Office Superintendent/ Steno Grade I/equivalent 5500-9000
    Superintendent/ Asst.Admn. Officer /Private Secretary/ equivalent 6500-10500

    A critical difference between upgradation and merger as mentioned in para 3.1.14 has been established by the VI CPC. The VI CPC has upgraded the pre-revised pay scales of Stenographers viz. Rs.4500-7000/Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 and recommended to stand merged and be placed in the higher pay scale of Rs.6500-Rs.10500. In the same para, the CPC has recommended for merger of the pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 belonging to the posts of Head Clerks, Assistants, Office Superintendent and Administrative Officers Grade III in ministerial posts in non-secretariat offices. While the case of Stenographers is upgradation, the latter is a mere merger.

    As mentioned above, Para 3.1.14 of the VI CPC Report clearly states that the Stenographers in the scale of pay of Rs.5000-8000 and 5500-9000 should be fist elevated to the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500 as on 1.1.2006 and allowed the corresponding pay in the PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs.4200. In order to maintain parity among the non-Secretariat and CSSS Stenos in accordance with the accepted recommendation of the VI CPC, all the stenos ought to have been placed in the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500 (V CPC scale) and after bringing to the said scale, while implementing the VI CPC Recommendations their pay should have been fixed in the revised minimum basic pay of Rs.16290/- in the fitment table of S-12.

    I request our GS of AIPSA to take it up immediately with the concerned staff representatives and JCM. It could be a good beginning for the GS of Stenographers’ Confederation also to take it up with the staff representatives and draw their attention.
