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Sunday, 15 January 2012

16 January 2012

News Paper cutting

Pay fixation on grant of non-functional selection grade (NFSG) to UDCs of CSCS and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS subsequent to implementation of CCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

Pay fixation on grant of non-functional selection grade (NFSG) to UDCs of CSCS and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS subsequent to implementation of CCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

It has been clarified by Estt.(Pay) Division that “at the time of grant of non functional selection grade to UDCs and Stenographers Grade ‘D’, their pay fixation may be done under the Rule 13 of CCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 i.e. they should be granted one increment @ 3% of their basic pay and to the figure so arrived at, the difference in grade pay ( Rs. 4200 — Rs. 2400 = Rs. 1800 ) should be added.”

No. 6/6/2011-CS-II(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel and Training
3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi date 12th January, 2012


Subject: Pay fixation on grant of non-functional selection grade (NFSG) to UDCs of CSCS and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS subsequent to implementation of CCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M No.6/6/2011-CS-II(C) dated 22/9/2011 regarding issuance of zone of consideration for placement of eligible Stenographer Grade ‘D’ in Non Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) consequent upon creation of new grade of UDC (NFSG) and Stenographer Grade ‘D’ (NFSG) in CSCS and CSSS respectively vide this Department’s O.M. No. 20/49/2009-CS.II(B) dated 22/6/2011 and to say that the matter relating to pay fixation on grant of NFSG to UDCs and Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of CSCS and CSSS respectively subsequent to implementation of CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 has been considered in this Division in consultation with Estt. (Pay) Division.

2. It has been clarified by Estt.(Pay) Division vide their Dy. No. 6117/11-Estt.(Pay I) dated 6/1/2012 that at the time of grant of non functional selection grade to UDCs and Stenographers Grade ‘D’, their pay fixation may be done under the Rule 13 of CCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 i.e. they should be granted one increment @ 3% of their basic pay and to the figure so arrived at, the difference in grade pay ( Rs. 4200 — Rs. 2400 = Rs. 1800 ) should be added.

3. All the Cadre Units of CSCS and CSSS are requested to take further necessary action accordingly.

(Kiran Vasudeva)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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