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Friday, 24 April 2015


Parity for Railway Stenographers
Injustice perpetuated to this category was highlighted besides quoting relevant recommendations of 6th CPC. (The Pay Commission Chairman was very attentive to these facts).
Revision of National Holiday Allowance
NFIR’s note was presented to 7th CPC proposing revision of NHA equivalent to OTA for one day when the employee is made to forego National Holiday. In this context the recommendation of Jagannath Das Pay Commission was highlighted for favourable recommendation.
Classification of period as night duty.
It was proposed that the period from 18 hours to 6 hours should be classified as “Night duty’ for the purpose of payment of NDA“
The Federation has also discussed the proposed revision of various allowances such as DA/HRA/CCA/HPCA/PCA, Risk Allowance, Hazardous Duty Allowance, Tracking Allowance, Special Allowance of Controllers, Road Mileage, Enhancement of Special Allowance to Gate Keepers, Stores Maintenance Allowance to In Charge Supervisor Officials, Special Allowance to Trolleymen, Revision of Special Duty Allowance to NE Region, Revision of Shoe Allowance, Heavy Traffic Allowance to operating staff etc. Fixed Medical Allowance was also proposed to be revised to not less than Rs.2,000/- per month. Payment of Washing Allowance to all categories was suggested.
It was also suggested that grant of Non-Practice Allowance to Legal cadre and Pharmacists be considered.’The facilities proposed in the NFlR’s Memorandum for Women employees were explained to Pay Commission for consideration.
Citing NFIR s Memorandum relevant Para’s, it was requested to grant special increments/ incentives for additional qualification.
I he aberrations arising due to MACPS implementation were explained in detail. The Commission has assured to look into the points for taking a view.

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