No. 18144188-Estt.(Pay) I
Departpent of Personnel & Training
Estt. (Pay I) Section
7 New Delhi. the Dec.. 2009.
SUBJECT: Grant of advance increments to Stenographers in Subordinate Offices
for acquiring higher speed in short-hand - Acceptance of Award of BOA -
In accordance with the provisions contained in the Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure) O.M.No.7(31)E-Ill(A)/75, dated 4.10.1975 and tP,~s
Department's 0.M of even number dated 148.1969, Stenographers (Ordinary
Grade) in Subordinate Offices in the pay scale of Rs.1200-2040 (pre-revised)
were granted one or two advance increments respectively on qualifying shonhand
speed test at 100 or 120 wpm, both at recruitment stage and while in sewice. It
was clarified vide OM dated 14.8.1989 that these advance increments will not
count as pay for allowances and as emoluments for pensionlgratuity.
2. A demand was raised by the Staff Side in the National Council (JCM) tl?at
the OM dated 14.8.1989 may be withdrawn and the advance increments granred
to Stenographers (Ordinary Grade) in Subordinate Offices be treated as pay for all
purposes. The demand of the Staff Side was referred to the Board of Arb~trarion
in CA Ref. No.5 of 2004 which gave the following Award on 16,92005:
'The advance increment sanctioned to the Stenographers in the
Subordinate Offices as an incentive for passing the speed test of 100
w.p.m and 120 w.p.m. should be treated as pay for all purposes."
3. The question of implementation of the above Award has been considered
in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the President is pleased to accept
the Award in CA Reference No.5 of 2004. Accordingly, it has been decided that
the advance increments granted to the Stenographers (Ordinary Grade) in
Subordinate Offices in terms of the provisions contained in Ministry of Finance's
OM dated 4.10.1975 shall be treated as pay for all purposes. Past cases dec~aed
otherwise may be regulated accord~nglyT. his Department's OMS dated 14.8.1989
and 30.1.2001 shall be treated as amended to thls extent.
4. In so far as the persons sewing in the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with t n i
Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
5. Ministry of Finance etc, are advised to bring the above decision to the
notice of all concerned under them for their proper actionlguidance.
6 Hind1 Version will follow.
No. 18144188-Estt. (Pay I) dated the
. All MinistriesIDepartments as per standard list.
The Cabinet Secretariat.
The Secretary, National Council (JCM), 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi
- 110001.
4. The Director (JCA), Department of Personnel &Training.