Dated 23rd April 2012
The Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Room No.112, North Block
New Delhi-110001
Respected Sir,
Sub : Pay parity for Stenographers working in non-secretariat offices
with - Central Secretariat Stenographers Services
Ref:- Our letter dated 19th December 2011 (Copy enclosed for ready ref. pls)
In continuation of my letter dated 19th December 2011, I on behalf of the Members of the Confederation of All India Central Government Stenographers Associations (Stenographers working in non-secretariat Central Government Offices) request your goodself to kindly consider our genuine demands of pay parity with the Central Secretariat Stenographers under the Principle of “equal pay for equal work” with reasons and justifications.
It is pertinent to note that the modes of recruitment of the Stenographers are one and the same in Subordinate as well as in Central Secretariat Services. It is through a common competitive examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Govt of India, on an All India basis. The pay scale is the same for Secretariat and non-Secretariat service at entry grade. Further it is nowhere mentioned in the notice issued by SSC at the time of recruitment that the pay structure will be fixed at different scales of pay depending on the place of posting i.e. Central Secretariat or Subordinate offices.
The VI CPC, recommended full parity of scales of Subordinate Stenographers with CSSS, but the same has not been given effect in the right sprit and will. This adds more injustice to the already injured Stenographers’ category working in Subordinate units. However, few Departments in subordinate Services were extended the benefit of Central Secretariat parity.
Being “COMMON CATEGORY” fixing different Pay Scales based on the place of work is against the principle of ‘Equal pay for Equal work’.
Sir, as you will kindly observe, the present monetary difference is a negligible one for the Department to cause justice – but it will boost the morale of this hard working people.
We request your goodself to kindly bestow your active consideration and grace on the above issue without further delay, removing the grievance.
CAICGSA on behalf of the Stenographers working in various Central Government Departments in Subordinate Services, most fervently pray to your good self to favourably consider our legitimate demand and cause to issue orders effecting Central Secretariat parity with effect from 01.1.2006 immediately and extend natural justice.
We shall be grateful for your affirmative response.
Thanking you immensely,
Yours faithfully,
Encl: Copy of previous letter (M. Harisuthan)
dated 19-12-2011 Secretary General, CAICGSA
The letter dated 23.4.12 is well drafted. If we could get some person in Minsitry and pursue it, our entire community will get benefited.